Hello Gluten-Free Connoisseurs,
It's been quite the start for 2022 and adieu-glu. I don't think I've stopped baking since the beginning of the year, which is 'FABULOUS'!!
I've made a few cakes...Buzz Lightyear being one, with gluten-free fondant made from scratch. This was a first. lol
We've also catered a bridal shower and some southern buttermilk biscuits for a baby shower. I love turning recipes into gluten-free recipes that taste just as good so that everyone can enjoy them.
We also have some exciting things planned for the rest of the year, including adding other vendor's items to our online store which we currently don't offer, like pancake mixes and treats, all without added xanthan gum.
I also want to add some new breads and rotate them out with the focaccia and soda breads, like cinnamon babka and naan.
Since we're talking about breads and ingredients, I will need to do some repricing for my ingredients since the costs for me are rising. I haven't changed my prices since I opened in 2020, but please feel comfort in the fact that most of my flours are now organic and I combine my own flour mixes which means, I do not purchase re-mixed gluten-free flour mixes and rest assured, nothing has xanthan gum added.
As promised previously, I will write up a blog about the reasons I don't use xanthan gum in my products, but in short, I am interested in gut health and since xanthan gum is in so many gluten-free products as well as others like toothpaste, sauces, etc., I choose not to use it as a binder.
With that being said, I only use coconut oil and olive oil in my products. No vegetable, canola or soy oils here. The more I read up on gut health and overall health in general, it really is important to me to put out products that I myself feel safe consuming.
But with all of this being said, it's time to take care of some personal things that need to be taken care of in the next couple of weeks.
If you would like to put an order in to stock up and freeze, before prices change as well, please select Tuesday, March 1st or Wednesday, March 2nd to pick-up/delivery. All other dates will be unavailable. I ask for your patience with deliveries, as I'll be busy waiting for pick-ups and baking in between.
We are going to be away between
March 4th thru March 24th
It's because of my AWESOME & OUTSTANDING CUSTOMERS and their ORDERS that I've been so busy!
On the website, in the 'ABOUT' menu bar, you can find bread keeping instructions.
All products freeze really well.
I apologize if any of you had been planning to order later in the month of March, but I will be back!
Thank you for your understanding and graciousness!
Love to You and Yours! Take care of one another!
Debra xx